Access Your Back-To-School Resources
Download: Back-To-School Resource Pack
The Autism Society of America and Nickelodeon co-created a free, downloadable, Back-to-School resource pack to help support students on the Autism spectrum and their teachers.
Autism and Water Safety
Autism and Water Safety Tips by Jessica Militich
We live on an island where beaches are visited all year. Therefore, the need for water safety is paramount always. The goal of this issue is to address it because swimming peaks in summer and drowning is the leading cause of death for children with autism.
Capitol Connections Newsletter
Capitol Connections Letter
In this issue of Capitol Connection, find results of the midterm elections and an update on potential Lame Duck actions. In addition, read about new letters from the U.S. Department of Education and valuable research for state advocates. Please use the Autism Society’s Action Center to urge your Members of Congress to support legislation for the Autism community.
Hele for Autism and Resource Fair Oahu 2022 Gallery
Hele for Autism Gallery
We love our community! Mahalo for being apart of Hele for Autism and Resource Fair 2022! Check out the gallery!
New Resource: Family Engagement Transition Toolkit
New Resource Family Engagement Transition Toolkit
Jobs Now Partnership Project
From the Center on Disability Studies / University of Hawaii at Manoa
Surfers Healing Photo Gallery
Surfers Healing Photo Gallery
Richardson’s Ocean Park – Hilo – December 4, 2021
Tournament Gallery
Tournament Gallery
Our first annual golf tournament fundraiser was a great success because of YOU!